lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


Since 2006, Afghanistan is a tourist destination for adventurers.

Although Afghanistan is seen as a dangerous country for their wars and constants attacks against other countries, the common denominator of these trips is that tourist, is that when they go to a country at war never a shot is heard throughout the stay. Because tourists only visit the relatively safe area, although often in Afghanistan is difficult to know what they are. 


One of many benefits of tourism in this country is the opportunity to see the breathtaking landscapes of Afghanistan like Mountain Massifs the Center, Northern plains and The Southern Tablelands. Additionally you can enjoy the unique experience of the authentic culture to meeting with people who practice different traditions and customs from all others.

  • Hindu Kuch Mountains


  • Hindu Kuch Plains

  • South Plateau

Taken of:
Edyted by: Alejandra Cardona


Due to the continuous and constant attacks and wars of Afghanistan with others countries, make it a dangerous place to visit. According to reports given by some travel agencies, each person who wishes to visit this country must pay for a security guard to accompany you on your trip.

Edyted by: Alejandra Cardona

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