martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

Education in Afaghanistan

Only 60% of children are  enrolled in school, nowadays among adults, 28% of the population is literate.
The education system also lacks infraestructura Kabul, curtan some classrooms with more tan 60 students. Afganistán unfortunately holds, the record for highest number of terrorist attacks in shools, particularly in girls schools. Although the abolition of the taliban regime has allowed many children return to school, there is still much to do to ensure the safety of students and the right to education for all afghan children.

The United States has embraced the New Silk Route initiative as a central element in its economic and social policy for Afghanistan. This initiative is part of its Transition strategy in the country in a moment that the Transition process has already started. This initiative tries to increase regional connectivity as well as economic prosperity and stability in Central Asia through trade and investment. However, many challenges make out of the New Silk Route initiative a difficult project to put into practice.
In Afghanistan 20% of children are forced to work to meet their needs and those of their families, exercise work as street vendors, water carriers, cardboard collectors, clean boots, aides drivers etc. The boy is of great importance to the household economy because the income of their parents are poor and have to feed the whole family.
For cultural reasons women do not work outside the home is why families need the help of the children to work and bring home. As a result there is a lack of education, violence by the pólice and diseases resulting from climate.

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