jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Globalization and its affectation in Afghanistan

The rapid extinction of many languages, the total or partial destruction of traditional material and social mechanisms of reproduction, the eclipse of peasant and ethnic cultures, the imposition from positions of power of the cultural patterns of the "invaders" or the "conquistadors", as in the recent cases of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Moréover Globalization and its Impact on the Economy. too are the international population who created a new world economic system, and its destruction led to the poverty of the population instead of creating wealth.
Inequality and poverty in the countries for the misuse of natural resources and instead of improving the country genre, this is being destroyed. People no longer have the same education and health. It is also important to say that because of the war that this country has with others, the economy does not benefit the people because all the ir  resources are intended to buy weapons for defense and not for profit.
Moreover their wealth have been lost because they were not used in the right way, and so the economy has not improved and has made countries like the United States to take advantage of his bad situation. Transportation and technology are hurt because new techniques are generated so that people can benefit from this.
And finally considering all or earlier, the globalization of Afghanistan has not been the best for all the problems that this country has had, and that despite having the means to project to others, resources have not been well spent for the proper development of its three levels, economic, political and social.
Taken from: http://www.uca.edu.sv/facultad/chn/c1170/Globalizacion_cultura_e_identidad.Samour.pdf. Page 18

Edited by: Ana María Ortiz and Alejandra Cardona

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