jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Common manners

When the afghanistanes meet new people, invite them to dinner give welcome with food typical which are balls of flour boiled, mixed with vegetables and meat, and a traditional dance that women do to men.
Afghanistan is the poorest country in the world because its population lives below the poverty line. Afghan women and girls are vulnerable and very few literate.

Your economy is extremely poor depend on agriculture, because most of the population works cultivating cereals, fruit, nuts, cotton and papaya. There are also important sheep "karakul" crafts carpets, has significant reserves of gas companies worked by American capital. In general, the Afghan economy is very bad development because of the situation of permanent war, lack of effective government and the division of society into tribal groups.
The women of Afganistán For several seasons have gone unnoticed because of war, the laws and customs in force that have taken away their rights and opportunities for development to have been denied the most basic public services.

In Afghanistan, women should cover their face to see a man who is not her husband or her son. This is covered with a piece of fabric that covers the head, leaving just a bit of fabric to see, can not go home alone, which is why several women in the war died of starvation. Most women are abused at home. It is also important to note that very few women who attend school because they have important jobs for the people of Afghanistan, women are not important and why they are discriminated against.

Taken from: proyectointegradoculturas.blogspot.com

Edited by: Ana María Ortiz

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