sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2014

The most popular myths and legends

The most popular legend in afganistan is the Goddess of the flute, because she created the religious music to whorship the god ala.
the people say that she playing the flute in the cremonies, when the persosn praise to Ala god. This goddess has been a very important in the culture of Anganistan, because every the womens are singing and dancing inspired in his flute.

Other myth about Afghanistan is that the people feel passion for be insurgent. Appears that people like have power of domination and terrorism.
Other myth in Afghanistan is that United Estates occupy Afghanistan to combat Al-Qaeda, but this argument is discussed because in this country there is only of 50 and 100 members of the Islamic band.

Taken from: http://www.campodemarte.com/10-mitos-sobre-afganistan.html
By: Juan David Toro

Edited by: Juan David Toro and Ana María Ortíz

The most respresentative festivals, folklore and musical styles

The most representative festivals in afganistan is "Raks Sharqui " belly dance because its represents, the redemtiom of the spirit and color of dance.
The YALLA DABKE is the typical folklore in afaganistan because its represents strength, unity and strengthening their land.
and finally their style of music is very religious, because they are worship, his only God AL

Other dance of Afghanistan is the ATTAN. This is considered as the national Afghanistan dance. Have a circular motion by 10 persons or more, drums and a slow movement that finish whit fast movements.

Taken from: http://raqsamar.blogspot.com/2010/01/danzas-de-afganistan-segunda-parte.html

Edited by: Juan David Toro and Ana María Ortíz

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Globalization and its affectation in Afghanistan

The rapid extinction of many languages, the total or partial destruction of traditional material and social mechanisms of reproduction, the eclipse of peasant and ethnic cultures, the imposition from positions of power of the cultural patterns of the "invaders" or the "conquistadors", as in the recent cases of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Moréover Globalization and its Impact on the Economy. too are the international population who created a new world economic system, and its destruction led to the poverty of the population instead of creating wealth.
Inequality and poverty in the countries for the misuse of natural resources and instead of improving the country genre, this is being destroyed. People no longer have the same education and health. It is also important to say that because of the war that this country has with others, the economy does not benefit the people because all the ir  resources are intended to buy weapons for defense and not for profit.
Moreover their wealth have been lost because they were not used in the right way, and so the economy has not improved and has made countries like the United States to take advantage of his bad situation. Transportation and technology are hurt because new techniques are generated so that people can benefit from this.
And finally considering all or earlier, the globalization of Afghanistan has not been the best for all the problems that this country has had, and that despite having the means to project to others, resources have not been well spent for the proper development of its three levels, economic, political and social.
Taken from: http://www.uca.edu.sv/facultad/chn/c1170/Globalizacion_cultura_e_identidad.Samour.pdf. Page 18

Edited by: Ana María Ortiz and Alejandra Cardona

Common manners

When the afghanistanes meet new people, invite them to dinner give welcome with food typical which are balls of flour boiled, mixed with vegetables and meat, and a traditional dance that women do to men.
Afghanistan is the poorest country in the world because its population lives below the poverty line. Afghan women and girls are vulnerable and very few literate.

Your economy is extremely poor depend on agriculture, because most of the population works cultivating cereals, fruit, nuts, cotton and papaya. There are also important sheep "karakul" crafts carpets, has significant reserves of gas companies worked by American capital. In general, the Afghan economy is very bad development because of the situation of permanent war, lack of effective government and the division of society into tribal groups.
The women of Afganistán For several seasons have gone unnoticed because of war, the laws and customs in force that have taken away their rights and opportunities for development to have been denied the most basic public services.

In Afghanistan, women should cover their face to see a man who is not her husband or her son. This is covered with a piece of fabric that covers the head, leaving just a bit of fabric to see, can not go home alone, which is why several women in the war died of starvation. Most women are abused at home. It is also important to note that very few women who attend school because they have important jobs for the people of Afghanistan, women are not important and why they are discriminated against.

Taken from: proyectointegradoculturas.blogspot.com

Edited by: Ana María Ortiz

Meaning of colors in rituals, religious ceremonies and festivals.

The colors in the rituals, religious and ceremonies represent emotions and feelings such as happiness, fun, sometimes sadness, sorrow but definitely the use most interesting of colors are in the fantastic and amazing dresses use by women because it reflects purity, sensuality by women, the meaning of color in this country depend of kind the ceremony.

Also we can see the meaning of colors in others aspect like for example , the colors of flag of Afghanistan represent the past, the independence struggle and progress.

In conclusion the meaning the colors in this country depends of  each people and their culture, because is not same the culture in the occident part of the country than the orient part the same country because
exist the diversity of cultures that are
very different in one place.


The Afghan culture has been influenced by Islam, but also Buddhism and Zoroastrianism. The country has been a crossroads throughout history to India, Iran and Central Asia, which has impacted on their civilization.


  • Tayammum (substitutional purification)  one has to seek purification.
  • Namaz (prayers) means "being in contact" (paywastagi),  This is the arriving at, or reaching the knowledge of the true religion (dini haqq), after the purification (taharat), which means becoming free from association with the adversaries.
  • Zakat (religious tax) is to teach the religion and make it reach the faithful in accordance with their capacity to understand it.
  • Hajj (pilgrimage) means to abandon beliefs which one originally had, and advance by stages.

Taken from: http://ismaili.net/Source/mumtaz/behsud/ritual.html

Edited by: Alejandra Cardona